Hudsons Farm Fishery


Rawcliffe Road, St. Michaels on Wyre, Preston, Lancashire PR3 OUH, United Kingdom

Fishery Information

Situated in a serene location next to the River Wyre, Hudson’s Farm Fishery offers a great day’s sport to both the novice and more seasoned angler. The site is over 100 years old and is notorious among the angling community because of its larger Carp. The fishery comprises of three lakes in total, which are all stocked with a healthy selection of Bream, Catfish, Tench Barbel, Perch and Carp.

Lake 1 is the specimen lake, which offers a prime location for the seasoned match angler who is searching for larger Catfish and Carp.

Lake 2 is also known as Doughnut Lake and provides the angler with a variety of fishing features such as reed beds and flowering lilies. Furthermore, the waters are home to a healthy stock of Bream, Barbel, Tench, Carp and Perch.

Lake 3 is commonly referred to as the Willow Pond. The area is private and sheltered and the deep waters host a variety of Carp, Tench, Barbel, Rudd and Perch.

The venue is open daily from 6am to 9:30pm, with last admittance being 7:30pm.

What size do the fish go to?

Carp and Catfish frequently come in at double figures, with larger fish weighing well over 25lbs. Tench, Bream, Roach, Perch and Chubb tend to be between 2-7lbs, as well as the occasional Barbel at 12lbs.

What tactics work well?

Luncheon meat tends to be an extremely popular choice of bait. Using a feeder with sweetcorn or warms can be especially effective for larger Carp. During the warmer months, anglers should consider utilising pellets and boilies.

What facilities are on site?

Clean and accessible toilet facilities are available on location

Is parking available?

Safe and secure parking spaces can be located on site.

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